Available Spatial Layers
Display name | Classification 1 | Classification 2 | Description | Type | Date added | Metadata contact organization | Keywords | Preview |
WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - coldest quarter | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Coldest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim |
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Vegetation types - present | Vegetation | Current major vegetation group (class) | Contextual | ERIN |
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Australia's Indigenous forest estate (2013) v2.0 | Vegetation | Australia's Indigenous forest estate (2013) v2.0 | Contextual | Department of Agriculture and Water Resources : Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences | indigenous, aboriginal, torres strait, forest, estate |
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WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - warmest quarter | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Warmest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - wettest quarter | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Wettest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - wettest month | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Wettest Month | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim: Temperature - driest quarter mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim | precipitation, rain, bio09 |
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Phylloxera Infection Zone - Albury, New South Wales | Sensitive Data Layers | Phylloxera Infection Zones | Phylloxera Infection Zone - Albury, New South Wales | Contextual | www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/plant | sds |
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Phylloxera Infection Zone - Upton, Victoria | Sensitive Data Layers | Phylloxera Infection Zone | Phylloxera Infection Zone - Upton, Victoria | Contextual | http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/ | sds |
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Hunter Analysis Mask | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | ger hunter analysis mask | Contextual | GER | GER, administrative, manage, region |
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NVIS 4.1 Major Vegetation Groups | Vegetation | Classification | Major Vegetation Groups were identified to summarise the type and distribution of Australia's native vegetation. The classification contains different mixes of plant species within the canopy, shrub or ground layers, but are structurally similar and are often dominated by a single genus. In a mapping sense, the groups reflect the dominant vegetation occurring in a map unit where there are a mix of several vegetation types. Subdominant vegetation groups which may also be present in the map unit are not shown. For example, the dominant vegetation in an area may be mapped as dominated by eucalypt open forest, although it contains pockets of rainforest, shrubland and grassland vegetation as subdominants. | Contextual | http://www.environment.gov.au/fed/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7Beade4b5f-6a30-46ae-86d8-58ed374ddc72%7D | dominant, tree, forest, woodland, canopy, understory |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - annual range | Climate | Temperature | Temperature Annual Range | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - warmest month max | Climate | Temperature | Max Temperature of Warmest Month | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim: Precipitation - wettest month | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Wettest Month | Environmental | WorldClim | rain, bio13 |
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Local Government Areas PSMA 2018 | Political | Local Government Areas | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, local government, boundaries |
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Commonwealth Electoral Divisions 2021 | Political | Electoral Boundaries | Commonwealth Electoral Divisions are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) federal electoral divisions. AEC electoral divisions are areas legally prescribed for the purpose of returning members to the House of Representatives. ABS Commonwealth Electoral Divisions are based on the AEC electoral division boundaries available prior to publication. Commonwealth Electoral Divisions may change as the AEC revise their boundaries. Where this occurs, Commonwealth Electoral Divisions will be updated annually, together with updates to other Non ABS Structures. The 2021 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions remain current at this time. ABS approximations of administrative boundaries do not match official legal boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. There are 170 Commonwealth Electoral Divisions covering the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps. This incorporates 19 non-spatial special purpose codes including a new Outside Australia code. Further information regarding types of special purpose codes can be found in the Commonwealth Electoral Division coding structure section below. in WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | election, electoral divisions, electoral, elect, commonwealth |
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WorldClim: Precipitation - warmest quarter | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Warmest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim | rain, bio18 |
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WorldClim: Precipitation - wettest quarter | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Wettest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim | rain, bio16 |
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Local Government Areas 2023 | Social | Local Government Areas | Local Government Areas are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of gazetted local government boundaries as defined by each state and territory. ABS approximations of administrative boundaries do not match official legal boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. in WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | local, government, areas, lga, lgas |
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WorldClim: Temperature - coldest quarter mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim | bio11 |
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WorldClim: Temperature - warmest quarter mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim | bio10 |
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WorldClim: Temperature - wettest quarter mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim | rain, precipitation, bio08 |
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WorldClim: Temperature - warmest month max | Climate | Temperature | Max Temperature of Warmest Month | Environmental | WorldClim | bio05 |
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WorldClim: Temperature - seasonality | Climate | Temperature | Temperature Seasonality | Environmental | WorldClim | range, mean, ratio, bio04 |
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Local Government Areas 2012 deprecated | Political | LGA Boundaries (superceeded by update Local Government Areas 2012_02_17) | Contextual | ANZLIC | local, government, area, administate, region, state, territory |
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Species Richness | Biodiversity | Species Richness | Environmental | ALA-SPATIAL | diversity, occurrence, sample, average |
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WorldClim: Temperature - coldest month min | Climate | Temperature | Min Temperature of Coldest Month | Environmental | WorldClim | bio06 |
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Australian Coral Ecoregions | Area Management | Biodiversity | Australian Coral Ecoregions | Contextual | Coral Reef Research - J.E.N. Veron | coral |
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Hunter Areas Of Interest | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | ger hunter areas of interest | Contextual | GER | GER, administrative, manage, region |
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K2C Management Regions | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | ger k2c management regions | Contextual | GER | GER, manage, adminstrate, region, border, coast, hunter, Kosciuszko, slope, summit, region |
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Temperature - driest quarter mean (Bio09) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - driest quarter mean (Bio09) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences |
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Radiation - warmest quarter (Bio26) | Climate | Solar radiation | Radiation - warmest quarter (Bio26) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | solar, sun |
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S2S Priority Area Billabong Creek v01 | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | ger priority area billabong creek | Contextual | GER | GER, slope, summit, region |
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Radiation - annual mean (Bio20) | Climate | Solar radiation | Radiation - annual mean (Bio20) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | solar, sun |
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Precipitation - coldest quarter (Bio19) | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation - coldest quarter (Bio19) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | rain |
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Precipitation - wettest quarter (Bio16) | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation - wettest quarter (Bio16) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | rain |
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S2S Priority Areas v05 | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | ger s2s priority areas | Contextual | GER | GER, slope, summit, manage, region |
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State Electoral Divisions 2022 | Political | Electoral Boundaries | State Electoral Divisions are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of state electoral districts as defined by state and territory electoral commissions. A state electoral district is an area legally prescribed for the purpose of returning one or more members to the state or territory lower houses of parliament, or the relevant equivalent. State Electoral Divisions are based on the most up to date state electoral districts available prior to publication. State Electoral Divisions may change as State or Territory authorities revise their boundaries. When this occurs, State Electoral Divisions will be updated annually together with updates of other Non ABS Structures. ABS approximations of administrative boundaries do not match official legal boundaries, and should only be used for statistical purposes. Victoria, Western Australia, and Tasmania have extra boundaries that represent their upper house state electoral districts, and these are represented in the State Electoral Division names and coding structure. in WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | election, electoral, boundary, electoral divisions |
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GER Jaliigirr | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Jaliigirr | Contextual | GER | GER |
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IMCRA Meso-scale Bioregions | Biodiversity | Region | IMCRA Meso-scale Bioregions | Contextual | Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities | Bioregion, regionalisation |
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Phylloxera Infection Zone - Whitebridge, Victoria | Sensitive Data Layers | Phylloxera Infection Zone | Phylloxera Infection Zone - Whitebridge, Victoria | Contextual | http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/ | sds |
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Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions 2023 | Area Management | Biodiversity | The Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions dataset is maintained for the purpose of authoritative reporting on the Australian Government's NRM investments. The dataset is designed to cover all Australian territory where Australian Government funded NRM projects might take place and includes major islands, external territories, and state and coastal waters in addition to the NRM regional boundaries. Whilst the boundaries of NRM Regions are defined by legislation in some states and territories, this dataset should not be used to represent legal boundaries in any way. It is an administrative dataset developed for the purpose of reporting and public information. It should be noted that from time to time the states and/or territories may revise their regional boundaries in accordance with local needs and therefore alterations to either the attribution or boundaries of the data may occur in the future. In WGS84 CRs. | Contextual | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | agriculture, nrm, natural, resource, management |
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Indigenous Locations 2021 | Indigenous | Locations | The Indigenous Structure is a geographical standard for the publication and analysis of statistics about the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. Indigenous Locations (ILOCs) represent small Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (urban and rural) with a minimum population of about 90 people. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | indigenous, locations, ATSI |
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Indigenous Regions 2021 | Indigenous | Regions | The Indigenous Structure is a geographical standard for the publication and analysis of statistics about the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. Indigenous Regions (IREGs) are large geographical areas based on historical boundaries. The larger population of Indigenous Regions enables highly detailed analysis. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | indigenous, regions, ATSI |
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Australian Drainage Divisions 2021 | Hydrology | Drainage | Australian Drainage Divisions are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of drainage divisions provided through the Bureau of Meteorology’s Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric. Australian Drainage Divisions are created to enable the release of ABS data on areas that approximate those provided in the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric. ABS approximations of administrative boundaries do not match official legal boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. There are 17 Australian Drainage Divisions covering the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps. This incorporates 3 non-spatial special purpose codes including a new Outside Australia code. Further information regarding types of special purpose codes can be found in the Australian Drainage Division coding structure section below. The Other Territories of Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Norfolk Island are each represented by a single Australian Drainage Division - Unclassified (Aust.). Jervis Bay is included in the Australian Drainage Division of South East Coast (NSW). In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | drainage, drainage divisions |
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PSMA Indigenous Areas (2016) | Political | Culture | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, indigenous, boundaries |
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Statistical Areas Level 2 | Social | Statistical Areas | Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s) are medium-sized general purpose areas built up from whole Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s). Their purpose is to represent a community that interacts together socially and economically. in WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | statistical, areas |
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Forests of Australia (2013) v2.0 | Vegetation | Forests of Australia (2013) v2.0 is a continental dataset of forest extent by national forest categories and types. It was developed from multiple forest, vegetation and land cover data inputs, including contributions from relevant Australian, state and territory government agencies and external sources. A forest is defined in this dataset as "An area, incorporating all living and non-living components, that is dominated by trees having usually a single stem and a mature or potentially mature stand height exceeding two metres and with existing or potential crown cover of overstorey strata about equal to or greater than 20 per cent. This includes Australia's diverse native forests and plantations, regardless of age. It is also sufficiently broad to encompass areas of trees that are sometimes described as woodlands". The dataset was compiled by the National Forest Inventory (NFI) - a collaborative partnership between the Australian and state and territory governments - whose role is to collate, integrate and communicate information on Australia's forests. States and Territories agencies collect forest data using independent methods and at varying scales or resolutions. The NFI, through the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), applies a national classification to state and territory data to allow seamless integration. Independent and multiple sources of external data are used to fill data gaps and improve the quality of the final dataset. Forests of Australia (2013) v2.0 presents the new NFI classification with three national forest categories, as reported by the NFI in Australia's State of the Forests Report 2013 (SOFR 2013), and replaces the spatial dataset titled Forests of Australia (2013). The three national forest categories are: Native forest, Industrial plantations and Other forests. The 'Native forest' category has previously been reported by the NFI, however, 'Industrial plantations' and 'Other forests' are new categories for planted forests: 'Industrial plantations', for plantations managed commercially and reported through the National Plantation Inventory (NPI), and 'Other forest' for planted forest not managed commercially or otherwise not reported through the NPI. Forests of Australia dataset series are produced to fulfil requirements of the Australia's National Forest Policy Statement (NFPS) and the Regional Forests Agreement (RFA) Act 2002. The dataset is used for domestic and international reporting. | Contextual | Department of Agriculture and Water Resources : Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences | forest, australia |
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Australia 2021 | Social | Australia is the largest geographic area in the Main Structure of the ASGS. The ASGS uses the geographic definition of Australia described in further detail here: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/methodology#definition-of-australia in WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | australia, au, aus |
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Destination Zones 2021 | Social | Destination Zones | Destination Zones are co-designed with state and territory transport authorities for the analysis of Place of Work Census of Population and Housing data, commuting patterns and the development of transport policy. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | destination, destination zones, dz |
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Greater Capital City Statistical Areas 2021 | Social | Statistical Areas | Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSAs) are geographic areas built from Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4s). GCCSA boundaries represent labour markets and the functional area of Australian capital cities respectively. They are designed with an emphasis on stability over time to support the time series of statistical releases such as the Quarterly Labour Force publication. in WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | statistical, areas, gccsa, capital, capitals |
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Indigenous Areas 2021 | Indigenous | Areas | The Indigenous Structure is a geographical standard for the publication and analysis of statistics about the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. Indigenous Areas (IAREs) are medium sized geographical areas designed to facilitate the release of more detailed statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | indigenous, areas, ATSI |
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PSMA Indigenous Regions (2016) | Political | Culture | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, indigenous, boundaries |
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Tourism Regions 2021 | Social | Tourism | Tourism Regions are an ABS approximation of tourism regions provided by Tourism Research Australia (TRA). They are administrative regions primarily used by Tourism Research Australia for research and policy purposes. ABS approximations of administrative boundaries do not match official legal boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | tourism, regions, tourism regions |
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Statistical Areas Level 4 | Social | Statistical Areas | Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4s) are geographic areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s). SA4s are the largest sub-state regions in the Main Structure of the ASGS and are designed for the output of a variety of regional data, including data from the 2021 Census of Population and Housing. SA4 boundaries represent labour markets and the functional area of Australian capital cities respectively. They are designed with an emphasis on stability over time to support the time series of statistical releases such as the Quarterly Labour Force publication. These areas represent labour markets or groups of labour markets within each state and territory. In WGS84. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | statistical, areas |
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Tenure of Australia's forests (2013) v2.0 | Vegetation | Tenure of Australia's forests (2013) v2.0 is a continental dataset of tenure classified into national forest tenure classes: Multiple Use Public Forest, Nature Conservation Reserves, Other Crown Land, Leasehold, Private Freehold and Unresolved Tenure. The dataset combines forest cover with land tenure information. The forest cover information was sourced from the Forests of Australia (2013) v2.0 dataset, an update of the Forests of Australia (2013) dataset, reclassified in order to align the national forest types and national forest categories of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) forest cover dataset with those reported in Australia's State of the Forests Report 2013 (SOFR 2013). The land tenure information was sourced from the commercially available Public Sector Mapping Agency (PSMA) CADLite and Tenure datasets, and tenure data obtained from the former Forests NSW (now Forestry Corporation of NSW). The NFI - a collaborative partnership between the Australian and state and territory governments, whose role is to collate, integrate and communicate information on Australia's forests - used information from these sources to compile a national tenure dataset by applying a national classification to the data supplied by the states and territories to allow seamless integration. As with previous versions, this Tenure of Australia's Forests (2013) v2.0 dataset was produced by combining the NFI land tenure dataset with the most recent Forests of Australia dataset. The only difference between the Tenure of Australia's Forests (2013) and the Tenure of Australia's Forests (2013) v2.0 is that the latter has the updated national forest cover types and new national forest categories. The underlying land tenure data is the same in both versions of the 2013 forest tenure datasets. | Contextual | Department of Agriculture and Water Resources : Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences | forest, australia |
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Statistical Areas Level 3 | Social | Statistical Areas | Statistical Areas Level 3 (SA3s) are geographic areas built from whole Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s). They are designed for the output of regional data, including 2021 Census of Population and Housing data. SA3s create a standard framework for the analysis of ABS data at the regional level through clustering groups of SA2s that have similar regional characteristics. Whole SA3s aggregate to form Statistical Areas Level 4 (SA4s). In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | statistical, areas |
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States and Territories 2021 | Social | States and Territories | The ASGS State and Territory boundaries are a cartographic representation of legally designated boundaries and therefore should not be used for legal purposes. In general, the total area of each State and Territory, including their offshore islands, is used for statistical purposes as a separate geographic area in the ASGS. However, the Jervis Bay Territory, and the Territories of Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Norfolk Island are included as one geographic area at the State and Territory level under the category of Other Territories. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | state, territory, states, territories |
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Western Australian Biodiversity Science Research Priority Regions | Land Management | Biodiversity | The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Research Priority Regions outlines the regions that underpin the Research Plan published by the Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI). The purpose of the Research Plan is to identify key biodiversity research priorities within Western Australia, by regions, and the process through which a comprehensive program of research will be further developed to better-address those priorities. The Research Plan is focused on supporting the needs of end users including: business and industrial interests such as the mineral resources sector and urban developers, land managers; conservation managers, government agencies, regulators, consultants, researchers and other science leaders. Two outcomes are envisioned: Biodiversity conservation — More effective and efficient strategies for setting priorities, managing and conserving Western Australia’s biodiversity. Facilitation of sustainable development — More effective, transparent, efficient and timely processes for environmental assessment, regulation and management. This will reduce risk to developers The Research Priority Regions reflect a requirement to have all science undertaken through WABSI linked to a program of activity that is targeted at a geographic area of the State, recognising research issues at the single region, multiple region and state scale. The focus on regions will assist in achieving the required integration between end users and each of the interrelated research nodes. WABSI Research Priority Regions are based on the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA), version 7, except for the South-West Region which is based on the Wheatbelt of WA (clearing line) (note relevant licensing acknowledgement below). | Contextual | Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute | WABSI, Biodiversity Science, Research Priorities, Western Australia, Restoration Ecology, Invasive Species, Climate Change, Fire, Vegetation Survey, Biodiversity Information, Specie Re-Introduction, ex-situ Conservation |
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Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone - Tri State | Sensitive Data Layers | Fruit Fly Exclusion Zones | Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone - Tri State | Contextual | sds |
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CAPAD 2020 Terrestrial | Area Management | The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2020 provides both spatial and textual information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for Australia, in both the marine and terrestrial environments. This dataset is for terrestrial data only. State, Territory and the large NGO conservation agencies supplied data current for 30 June 2020. This is the eleventh version of the terrestrial database, with previous versions released in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018. The Department also publishes protected areas data for the marine environment. "CAPAD 2020 - Marine" contains spatial and text information about offshore protected areas, for both State and Commonwealth waters. Previous versions of CAPAD marine information have been published in 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018. | Contextual | Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment | IUCN, reserve, park, conservation, wilderness |
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PSMA Remoteness Areas (2016) | Political | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, remoteness, boundaries |
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CAPAD 2020 Marine | Area Management | The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2020 provides both spatial and textual information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for Australia, in both the marine and terrestrial environments. This dataset is for terrestrial data only. State, Territory and the large NGO conservation agencies supplied data current for 30 June 2020. This is the eleventh version of the terrestrial database, with previous versions released in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018. The Department also publishes protected areas data for the marine environment. "CAPAD 2020 - Marine" contains spatial and text information about offshore protected areas, for both State and Commonwealth waters. Previous versions of CAPAD marine information have been published in 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018. | Contextual | Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment | IUCN, reserve, park, conservation, wilderness |
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Elevation | Topography | Elevation (metres above mean sea level) | Environmental | GA | height, dem |
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Vegetation types - native | Vegetation | Pre-European major vegetation groups (class) | Contextual | ERIN |
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CAPAD 2022 - Marine (Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database) | Area Management | Conservation | During 2022 Commonwealth, state and territory nature conservation agencies, Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) managers and private protected area managers provided information on their terrestrial and marine protected areas. This information has been compiled into CAPAD 2022. CAPAD 2022 figures include interim protected areas. These are land parcels purchased or identified to become protected areas with binding agreements and are now in the process of getting formal recognition as a protected area. The Australian Government continues to work with data suppliers to improve the integrity of data submitted to CAPAD. | Contextual | capad, marine, conservation |
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Phylloxera Infection Zone - Nagambie, Victoria | Sensitive Data Layers | Phylloxera Infection Zone | Phylloxera Infection Zone - Nagambie, Victoria | Contextual | http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/ | sds |
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Remoteness Areas 2021 | Social | Remoteness Areas | The Remoteness Structure defines Remoteness Areas for the purpose of releasing and analysing statistics. Remoteness Areas (RA) divide Australia into five classes of remoteness which are characterised by a measure of relative geographic access to services. Access to services is measured using the Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia Plus (ARIA+), produced by the Australian Centre for Housing Research (formerly the Hugo Centre for Population and Migration Studies) at the University of Adelaide. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | remoteness areas, remote, ra |
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WorldClim: Temperature - isothermality | Climate | Temperature | Isothermality | Environmental | WorldClim | diurnal, day, daily, season, ratio, bio03 |
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IBRA 6 Regions | Biodiversity | Region | Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia 6 | Contextual | DSEWPaC | bioregion, ecoregion, system |
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Multi Resolution Valley Bottom Flatness (MRVBF) | Topography | MrVBF is a topographic index designed to identify areas of deposited material at a range of scales based on the observations that valley bottoms are low and flat relative to their surroundings and that large valley bottoms are flatter than smaller ones. Zero values indicate erosional terrain with values 1 and larger indicating progressively larger areas of deposition. There is some evidence that MrVBF values correlate with depth of deposited material. | Environmental | CSIRO Data Access Portal | ridge, elevation, topography, mrvbf |
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National Dynamic Land Cover | Vegetation | The National Dynamic Land Cover Dataset | Contextual | GA |
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Multi Resolution Ridge Top Flatness (MRRTF) | Topography | MrRTF is a topographic index designed to identify high flat areas at a range of scales. It complements the MrVBF index that is designed to identify areas of deposited material in flat valley bottoms. Unlike MrVBF, the MrRTF index does not have a clear link to landform processes but it has been found to be a useful adjunct to MrVBF in landform classification. Zero values indicate areas that are steep or low, with values 1 and larger indicating progressively larger areas of high flat land. | Environmental | CSIRO Data Access Portal | ridge, elevation, topography, mrrtf |
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Phylloxera Infection Zone - North East, Victoria | Sensitive Data Layers | Phylloxera Infection Zone | Phylloxera Infection Zone - North East, Victoria | Contextual | http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/ | sds |
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Temperature - annual range (Bio07) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - annual range (Bio07) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences |
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Precipitation - seasonality (Bio15) | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation - seasonality ( (Bio15) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | rain |
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IBRA (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) Version 7 (Regions) | Area Management | Conservation | Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) version 7.0 represents a landscape based approach to classifying the land surface of Australia. 89 biogeographic regions and 419 sub regions have been delineated, each reflecting a unifying set of major environmental influences which shape the occurrence of flora and fauna and their interaction with the physical environment across Australia and its external territories (excluding Antarctica). | Contextual | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | IBRA, ibra, conservation, biodiversity |
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Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) - Dedicated | Indigenous | Protected Areas | Details the Dedicated Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) across Australia through the implementation of the Indigenous Protected Areas Programme. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | indigenous, IPAs, protected areas, protected |
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Temperature - seasonality (Bio04) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - seasonality (Bio04) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | variation, mean, ratio |
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Temperature - wettest quarter mean (Bio08) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - wettest quarter mean (Bio08) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | rain, precipitation |
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Temperature - coldest period min (Bio06) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - coldest period min (Bio06) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences |
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Moisture Index - highest quarter mean (Bio32) | Substrate | Moisture | Moisture Index - highest quarter mean (Bio32) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | soil, water, saturation |
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Temperature - isothermality (Bio03) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - isothermality (Bio03) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | day, daily, season, ratio |
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Moisture Index - annual mean (Bio28) | Substrate | Moisture | Moisture Index - annual mean (Bio28) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | soil, water, saturation |
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Ramsar Wetlands of Australia 2024 | Area Management | Conservation | National dataset of Australia's Ramsar Wetlands. The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (the Ramsar Convention) was signed in Ramsar, Iran on 2 February 1971. The Ramsar Convention aims to halt the worldwide loss of wetlands and to conserve, through wise use and management, those that remain. The Convention encourages member countries to nominate sites containing representative, rare or unique wetlands, or that are important for conserving biological diversity, to the List of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites). Australia was one of the first countries to become a Contracting Party to the Convention and designated the world's first Ramsar site, Cobourg Peninsula, in 1974. This project was initiated by the Wetlands Section of the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. Spatial data was sourced from the relevant State and Territory agencies and compiled into a single national coverage. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | RAMSAR, wetlands |
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Radiation - seasonality (Bio23) | Climate | Solar radiation | Radiation - seasonality (Bio23) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | solar, sun |
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Temperature - diurnal range mean (Bio02) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - diurnal range mean (Bio02) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences |
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Precipitation - warmest quarter (Bio18) | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation - warmest quarter (Bio18) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | rain |
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Precipitation - driest quarter (Bio17) | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation - driest quarter (Bio17) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | rain |
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NZ Land Registration Districts | Political | New Zealand Land Registration Districts | Contextual | http://www.linz.govt.nz/land/land-registration/land-transfer-system/land-registration-districts |
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Precipitation - annual (Bio12) | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation - annual (bio12) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | rain |
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Bush Heritage Reserves April 2015 | Area Management | Biodiversity | Bush Heritage Reserves as at 14/4/2015. Note that a subset of these reserves are included in the CAPAD terrestrial layers. | Contextual | http://www.bushheritage.org.au/places-we-protect | conservation |
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World Country Boundaries | Political | Global Administrative Areas - World Boundary | Contextual | GADM | coast, island, nation, state, territory, political |
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Temperature - coldest quarter mean (Bio11) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - coldest quarter mean (Bio11) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences |
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Temperature - warmest quarter (Bio10) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - warmest quarter (Bio10) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences |
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Temperature - annual mean (Bio01) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - annual mean (Bio01) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences |
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NZ Land Provinces | Political | NZ land provinces as existed in 1876. Superseded by Land Districts | Contextual | https://koordinates.com/layer/4240-nz-regional-councils-2012-yearly-pattern/ | history |
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NZ Ecological Districts 1987 | Biodiversity | Region | New Zealand Ecological Districts as at 1987 (v3). Multiple Districts form Ecological regions. | Contextual | domain, ecology |
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Special Quarantine Zone - Torres Strait | Sensitive Data Layers | Special Quarantine Zones | Special Quarantine Zone - Torres Strait | Contextual | sds |
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Phylloxera Infection Zone - Maroondah, Victoria | Sensitive Data Layers | Phylloxera Infection Zone | Phylloxera Infection Zone - Maroondah, Victoria | Contextual | http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/ | sds |
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ASGS Australian States and Territories | Political | Australian Statistical Geography Standard Australian States and Territories | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | boundary, boundaries, coastline |
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GER Kanangra-Boyd to Wyangala Link 2014 | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Kanangra-Boyd to Wyangala Link | Contextual | GER |
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Great Eastern Ranges Initiative | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Great Eastern Ranges Initiative | Contextual | GER |
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RATSIB (representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander body) Areas 2024 | Indigenous | RATSIB Areas | A "representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander body" (RATSIB) is a body recognised by the Commonwealth under s 203AD of the NTA to represent native title holders and persons who may hold native title and to consult with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons within a specified area. A RATSIBs statutory functions are detailed in Part 11 Division 3 of the NTA and include: (a) facilitation and assistance to prepare and progress native title applications and negotiation of future act processes; (b) certification of native title applications and applications for registration of an ILUA; (c) resolution of disputes between constituents; (d) notification to persons who hold or may hold native title in the area of notices that relate to land and water in the RATSIB area; and (e) agreement making to be a party to ILUAs as appropriate in its specified area. | Contextual | National Native Title Tribunal | indigenous, ratsib, representative, title, native title |
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GER Central Victorial Biolinks | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Central Victorial Biolinks | Contextual | GER |
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Indigenous Protected Areas 2013 | Political | Culture | Indigenous Protected Areas as at August 2013 | Contextual | http://www.nntt.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx | native, land, aboriginal |
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Indigenous Land Use Agreements | Political | Culture | Registered and Notified Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA) - agreement boundaries and core attributes about agreement | Contextual | http://www.nntt.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx | aboriginal, tribunal, land |
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National Native Title Register (NNTR, Determinations of Native Title) - boundaries and core attributes | Political | Culture | This dataset reflects the boundaries of claimant and nonclaimant native title applications that have been determined in part or in full, together with attribution about that determination. This dataset is stored nationally. The National Native Title Register (s192, Native Title Act, Commonwealth), is a register containing information about each determination of native title by the Federal or High Court or by a recognized State or Territory body. Determinations are categorized by both process and outcome. Process will be by consent, litigation or unopposed. Outcome will be that native title will have been found to exist in full or part, or been extinguished. Those determinations subject to appeal are also noted. | Contextual | http://www.nntt.gov.au/ | aboriginal, land, tribunal |
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NSW Local Land Services Regions | Political | NSW Local Land Services regional boundaries were determined in 2013 following extensive community consultation. They are a composite of Local Government Areas | Contextual | http://www.lls.nsw.gov.au/ | LGA, region |
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Protected Zone - Australia Papua New Guinea | Sensitive Data Layers | Protected Zones | Protected Zone - Australia Papua New Guinea | Contextual | GA | sds |
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Drainage Divisions Level 2 | Hydrology | Drainage Divisions Level 2 | Contextual | Bureau of Meterology | geofabric, catchment |
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Drainage Divisions Level 1 | Hydrology | Drainage Divisions Level 1 | Contextual | Bureau of Meterology | geofabric, catchment |
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Australian Marine Parks 2024 | Marine | Boundaries | This dataset represents the network of Australian Marine Parks proclaimed in Commonwealth waters. Consistent with the Australian Government's commitment to develop a National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas, networks of marine parks have been proclaimed for Commonwealth waters across the North, North-west, South-west, Temperate East and Coral Sea Marine Regions and, most recently, in the Indian Ocean Territories. These networks build on previous marine protected area proclamations, including the South-east Marine Parks Network declared in 2007. This data contains spatial and contextual information about Australian Marine Parks proclaimed under the Commonwealth Government's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, which are managed by Parks Australia, with the addition of Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve, which is managed by the Australian Antarctic Division. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | marine, parks, regions |
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IBRA 7 Subregions | Biodiversity | Region | IBRA 7 Subregions | Contextual | DSEWPaC | bioregion, ecoregion, system |
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IBRA 7 Regions | Biodiversity | Region | Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA), Version 7 (Regions) | Contextual | DSEWPaC | bioregion, ecoregion, system |
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Phylloxera Infection Zone - Sydney, New South Wales | Sensitive Data Layers | Phylloxera Infection Zones | Phylloxera Infection Zone - Sydney, New South Wales | Contextual | www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/plant | sds |
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Indigenous Land Use Agreements | Indigenous | Land Use Agreements | Provides a spatial representation of native title matters, related to custodial statutory functions associated with Registers in support of the Native Title Act 1993. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | National Native Title Tribunal | indigenous, iluas, land use agreements, native title, native title agreements |
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IMCRA v4.0 Meso-Scale Bioregions (Integrated Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Australia) | Area Management | Conservation | An inshore regionalisation of Australian waters derived from biological and physical data, including the distribution of demersal fishes, marine plants and invertebrates, sea floor geomorphology and sediments, and oceanographic data. An inshore regionalisation of Australian waters derived from biological and physical data, including the distribution of demersal fishes, marine plants and invertebrates, sea floor geomorphology and sediments, and oceanographic data. The meso-scale regionalisation was compiled from information supplied to the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water by the relevant State, Northern Territory and Commonwealth marine research and management agencies. The seaward extent for the meso-scale IMCRA coverage is defined by the 200m isobath except where this boundary extends beyond the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone (AEEZ). In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | IMCRA, meso, bioregions, marine, coast, coastal |
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Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness | Area Management | The ALCW Bioregion spans the landscape from the Great Dividing Range in the west, to the coast of New South Wales south from Bateman’s Marine Park and down to the northern coastal region of Victoria at Lakes Entrance. | Contextual | Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness | climate, change, invasive, catalogue |
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IMCRA v4.0 Provincial Bioregions (Integrated Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Australia) | Area Management | Conservation | A regionalisation of Australian waters (excluding waters adjacent to the Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, and waters adjacent to the Australian Antarctic Territory) derived from deep-water demersal fish assemblages. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | IMCRA, provincial, bioregions, marine, coast, coastal |
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Suburbs and Localities 2021 | Social | Suburbs and Localities | Suburbs and Localities, formerly State Suburbs, are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of the officially recognised boundaries of suburbs (in cities and larger towns) and localities (outside cities and larger towns) as defined by the State and Territory governments of Australia. Suburbs and Localities are created to enable the release of ABS data on areas that approximate the official localities. This allows for the comparison of ABS data with other data collected using localities as the geographic reference. ABS approximations of administrative boundaries do not match official legal boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | suburbs, localities, local |
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IBRA (Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) Version 7 (Subregions), contextual (polygon) | Area Management | Conservation | Contextual | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | IBRA, ibra, conservation, biodiversity, subregion |
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Postal Areas 2021 | Social | Postal Areas | Postal Areas are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of a general definition of postcodes. They enable comparison of ABS data with other data collected using postcodes as the geographic reference. ABS approximations of administrative boundaries do not match official legal boundaries and should only be used for statistical purposes. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | postcodes, postal areas |
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Potato Cyst Nematode Zones - Victoria | Sensitive Data Layers | Potato Cyst Nematode Zones | Potato Cyst Nematode Zones - Victoria | Contextual | http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/ | sds |
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Directory of Important Wetlands | Area Management | Biodiversity | Directory of Important Wetlands Spatial Database including Wetlands Type and Criteria | Contextual | ERIN | reserve, water, bird |
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RAMSAR wetland regions | Area Management | Biodiversity | RAMSAR wetland regions | Contextual | ERIN | reserve, water, bird |
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Mesh Blocks 2021 | Social | Mesh Blocks | Mesh Blocks are the smallest geographic areas defined by the ABS and form the building blocks for the larger regions of the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). They broadly identify land use such as residential, commercial, primary production and parks. Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s) are generally the smallest geographic unit used to release Census of Population and Housing data; however, for ASGS Edition 3, limited Census of Population and Housing data may also be available at the Mesh Block level. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | mesh blocks, mesh |
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Upper Hunter Focus Area v2 | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | ger upper hunter focus area | Contextual | GER | GER, region |
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IMCRA 4 Regions | Biodiversity | Region | Integrated Marine and Coastal Regionalisation of Australia | Contextual | ERIN | bioregion, ecoregion, system, marine |
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States including coastal waters | Marine | Boundaries | States (including coastal waters) - Australian Maritime Boundaries | Contextual | GA |
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Exclusive Economic Zone | Marine | Boundaries | Exclusive Economic Zone - Australian Maritime Boundaries | Contextual | GA |
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GER Border Ranges | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Border Ranges | Contextual | GER | GER |
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Australian States and Territories | Political | Australian States and Territories | Contextual | ANZLIC | political |
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Australia's network of Marine Parks | Marine | Region | Consistent with the Australian Government's commitment to develop a National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas, networks of Marine Parks have been proclaimed for Commonwealth waters across the North, North-west, South-west, Temperate East and Coral Sea Marine Regions. These networks build on previous Marine Protected Area proclamations, including the South-east Network declared in 2007. This data includes all marine parks managed by DOEE with the addition of the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve, which is managed by the Australian Antarctic Division http://www.heardisland.aq/protection-and-management/marine-reserve This dataset is released under Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0 Australia (CC BY 3.0). IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR MARINE USERS Transitional arrangements apply to the North, North-west, South-west and Temperate East Marine Parks Networks and the Coral Sea Marine Park, until management plans come into effecton the 1st July 2018. These arrangements involve NO CHANGES ON THE WATER for marine users. Note, there are no changes to management arrangements in the marine parks that existed prior to the establishment of the new marine parks, that is, the same restrictions on activities will continue to apply even where those reserves have been incorporated into new marine parks. More information is available at [www.environment.gov.au/marinereserves](http://www.environment.gov.au/marinereserves). This data contains spatial and contextual information about Australian Marine Parks under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth governments Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, which are managed by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy. It does not include data on MPA's in other Australian jurisdictions (e.g. the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, State/Territory parks), or Terrestrial Protected Areas with marine components (eg Pulu Keeling National Park). | Contextual | Department of the Environment and Energy | reserve, park, conservation, marine |
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Agricultural Commodities | Area Management | Farming | This is the latest compilation of land use mapping information for Australia’s regions as at December 2023. The land use data are supported by a supplementary commodities dataset, containing extra information on the location of select predominantly agricultural commodities. These datasets replace the previous 2020 December updates. These data were compiled by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) from vector land use datasets collected as part of state and territory mapping programs and other authoritative sources through the Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program (ACLUMP). These datasets are not recommended for change analysis or for national land use statistics—instead use the Land use of Australia 2010-11 to 2015-16. | Contextual | ACLUMP and ABARES ( Australian Collaborative Land Use and Management Program and Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Science) | agriculture, products, commodities |
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GER Illawarra to Shoalhaven | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Illawarra to Shoalhaven | Contextual | GER | GER |
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ACT TAMS Reserves | Area Management | ACT TAMS Reserves | Contextual | ACT Government Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate |
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PSMA Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries (2018) | Political | Commonwealth Electoral Boundaries captures the boundaries for Commonwealth Electorates | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, electoral boundaries, commonwealth |
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GER Southern Highlands | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Southern Highlands | Contextual | GER | GER |
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GER Slopes To Summit | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Slopes To Summit | Contextual | GER | GER |
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GER National Corridor | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER National Corridor | Contextual | GER | GER |
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GER Kosciuszko to Coast | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Kosciuszko to Coast | Contextual | GER | GER |
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GER Kanangra-Boyd to Wyangala Link | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Kanangra-Boyd to Wyangala Link | Contextual | GER | GER |
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GER Hunter Valley | Area Management | Great Eastern Ranges | GER Hunter Valley | Contextual | GER | GER |
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CAPAD 2022 - Terrestrial (Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database) | Area Management | Biodiversity | The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) provides both spatial and textual information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for Australia, in both the marine and terrestrial environments. This dataset is for terrestrial data only. State, Territory and the large NGO conservation agencies supplied data current for 30 June 2022. This is the twelfth version of the terrestrial database, with previous versions released in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016,2018and 2020. | Contextual | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water | capad, terrestrial, conservation |
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Areas for Further Assessment within the East Marine Region | Area Management | Biodiversity | East Areas for Further Assessment: Batemans, Hunter, Clarence, Tweed, Fraser, Tasmantid, Norfolk, plus the Coral Sea Conservation Zone | Contextual | ERIN | reserve, coral, conservation |
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PSMA State Electoral Boundaries (2018) | Political | State Electoral Boundaries captures the boundaries for State Electorates | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, electoral boundaries, state |
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PSMA ABS Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (2016) | Political | ABS Greater Capital City Statistical Areas used for the 2016 Australian Census | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, abs, capital city, boundaries |
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PSMA States (2016) | Political | Australian State boundaries | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, states, boundaries |
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PSMA ABS Census Selected Person Characteristics by Indigenous Status by Area - I01A (2016) | Political | Culture | PSMA ABS Australian Census Selected Person Characteristics by Indigenous Status (2016), from the I01A results in the Indigenous datapack matched to the PSMA ABS Indigenous Areas. | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, abs, census, indigenous |
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PSMA ABS Census Indigenous Language Speakers by Area - I01B (2016) | Political | Culture | PSMA ABS Australian Census Indigenous Language Speakers by Area (2016), from the I01B results in the Indigenous datapack matched to the PSMA ABS Indigenous Areas. | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, abs, census, indigenous |
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PSMA Indigenous Locations (2016) | Political | Culture | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, indigenous, boundaries |
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PSMA ABS SA3 Statistical Areas (2016) | Political | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, abs, census, statistical areas, boundaries |
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PSMA ABS SA2 Statistical Areas (2016) | Political | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, abs, census, statistical areas, boundaries |
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PSMA ABS SA4 Statistical Areas (2016) | Political | Contextual | PSMA Australia Limited | psma, abs, census, statistical areas, boundaries |
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NRM Regions 2017 | Area Management | Biodiversity | The Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions dataset is maintained for the purpose of authoritative reporting on the Australian Government's NRM investments. The dataset is designed to cover all Australian territory where Australian Government funded NRM projects might take place and includes major islands, external territories, and state and coastal waters in addition to the NRM regional boundaries. Whilst the boundaries of NRM Regions are defined by legislation in some states and territories, this dataset should not be used to represent legal boundaries in any way. It is an administrative dataset developed for the purpose of reporting and public information. It should be noted that from time to time the states and/or territories may revise their regional boundaries in accordance with local needs and therefore alterations to either the attribution or boundaries of the data may occur in the future. | Contextual | Department of the Environment and Energy | administration, government, landcare, heritage, local |
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NRM Regions 2010 | Area Management | Biodiversity | National Resource Management (NRM) Regions | Contextual | ERIN | adminisration, government, landcare, heritage, local |
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Local Government Areas 2011 | Political | Local Government Areas | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
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National Landcare Program Management Units 2018 | Area management | Administration | The NLP Management Units dataset is maintained for the purpose of authoritative reporting on the Australian Government's NRM investments. | Contextual | Department of Environment and Energy | administration, government, landcare, heritage, local, NRM, Administrative, Management Unit |
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National Indicative Aggregated Fire Extent Dataset 2019-2020 - v20200324 | Fire | The National Indicative Aggregated Fire Extent Dataset has been developed rapidly to support the immediate needs of the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) in: a) quantifying the potential impacts of the 2019/20 bushfires on wildlife, plants and ecological communities;and, b) identifying appropriate response and recovery actions. The intent was to derive a reliable, agreed, fit for purpose and repeatable national dataset of burnt areas across Australia for the 2019/20 bushfire season. The dataset takes the national Emergency Management Spatial Information Network Australia (EMSINA) data service, which is the official fire extent currently used by the Commonwealth, and adds supplementary data from other sources to form a cumulative national view of fire extent. This EMSINA data service shows the current active fire incidents, and the Department map shows the total fire extent from 1 July 2019 to the 23 March 2020. EMSINA have been instrumental in providing advice on access to data and where to make contact in the early stages of developing the National Indicative Aggregated Fire Extent Dataset. This dataset is released on behalf of the Commonwealth Government and endorsed by the National Burnt Area Dataset Working Group, convened by the National Bushfire Recovery Agency. Known Issues: The dataset has a number of known issues, both in its conceptual design and in the quality of its inputs. These are outlined below and should be taken into account in interpreting the data and developing any derived analyses. The list of known issues below is not comprehensive: it is anticipated that further issues will be identified in the future, and the Department welcomes feedback on this. We will seek as far as possible to continuously improve the dataset in future versions. In addition, the 2019/20 bushfire season is ongoing and it can be expected that the fire extent will increase. Future versions of the dataset will therefore document and distinguish between changes arising from methodological improvement, as distinct from changes to the actual fire extent. 1. The dataset draws data together from multiple different sources, including from state and territory agencies responsible for emergency and natural resource management, and from the Northern Australian Fire Information website. The variety of mapping methods means that conceptually the dataset lacks national coherency. 2. The limitations associated with the input datasets are carried through to this dataset. Users are advised to refer to the input datasets’ documentation to better understand limitations. 3. The dataset is intentionally precautionary and the rulesets for its creation elect to accept the risk of overstating the size of particular burnt areas. If and when there are overlapping polygons for an area, the internal boundaries have been dissolved. 4. The dataset shows only the outline of burnt areas and lacks information on fire severity in these areas, which may often include areas within them that are completely unburnt. For the intended purpose this may limit the usability of the data, particularly informing on local environmental impacts and response. This issue will be given priority, either for future versions of the dataset or for development of a separate, but related, fire severity product. 5. This continental dataset includes large burnt areas, particularly in northern Australia, which can be considered part of the natural landscape dynamics. For the intended purpose of informing on fire of potential environmental impact, some interpretation and filtering may be required. There are a variety of ways to do this, including by limiting the analysis to southern Australia, as was done for recent Wildlife and Threatened Species Bushfire Recovery Expert Panel’s preliminary analysis of 13 January 2020. For that preliminary analysis area, boundaries from the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia version 7 were used by the Department to delineate an area of southern Australia encompassing the emergency bushfire areas of the southern summer. The Department will work in consultation with the expert panel and other relevant bodies in the future on alternative approaches to defining, spatially or otherwise, fire of potential environmental impact. 6. The dataset cannot be used to reliably recreate what the national burnt area extent was at a given date prior to the date of release. Reasons for this include that information on the date/time on individual fires may or may not have been provided in the input datasets, and then lost as part of the dissolve process discussed in issue 2 above. 7. With fires still burning extents are not yet refined. 8. Fire extents are downloaded daily and datasets are aggregated. This results in an overlap of polygon extents and raises the issue that refined extents are disregarded at this early stage. 9. The NAFI dataset is only current to 18 March 2020. | Contextual | Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment | fire, bushfire |
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Temperature - warmest period max (Bio05) | Climate | Temperature | Temperature - warmest period max (Bio05) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences |
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Precipitation - driest period (Bio14) | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation - driest period (Bio14) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | rain |
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Precipitation - wettest period (Bio13) | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation - wettest period (Bio13) | Environmental | CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences | rain |
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CAPAD 2016 Marine | Area Management | Biodiversity | The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2016 provides both spatial and textual information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for Australia, in both the marine and terrestrial environments. This dataset is the marine component of the CAPAD only. Marine CAPAD provides information about off-shore protected areas in both state and Commonwealth waters. State and Territory conservation agencies supplied data current to 30 June 2016. This is the eighth version of the marine database, with previous versions released in 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014. | Contextual | Australian Government, Department of the Environment and Energy | IUCN, reserve, park, conservation, wilderness |
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CAPAD 2016 Terrestrial | Area Management | Biodiversity | The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2016 provides both spatial and textual information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for Australia, in both the marine and terrestrial environments. This dataset is for terrestrial data only. State, Territory and the large NGO conservation agencies supply data current for 30 June 2016. This is the tenth version of the terrestrial database, with previous versions released in 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014. | Contextual | Australian Government, Department of the Environment and Energy | IUCN, reserve, park, conservation, wilderness |
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Statistical Areas Level 1 | Social | Statistical Areas | Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1s) are geographic areas built from whole Mesh Blocks. Whole SA1s aggregate to form Statistical Areas Level 2 (SA2s). SA1s are designed to maximise the geographic detail available for Census of Population and Housing data. However, limited Census of Population and Housing data may also be available at the Mesh Block level for ASGS Edition 3. There are 61,845 SA1 regions covering the whole of Australia without gaps or overlaps. This includes 34 non-spatial special purpose codes including a new Outside Australia code. These non-spatial SA1s represent populations that are difficult to define geographically such as people who are in transit or have no fixed address. Examples include the Migratory and No Usual Address SA1s. SA1s are also used as the building blocks for some ASGS geographies, including the Indigenous Structure, Significant Urban Areas, Urban Centres and Localities, Section of State Structure, and the Remoteness Structure. In WGS84 CRS. | Contextual | Australian Bureau of Statistics | statistical, areas |
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NVIS 4.1 Major Vegetation Subgroups | Vegetation | Classification | Eighty-five (85) Major Vegetation Subgroups identified in v4.1 to summarise the type and distribution of Australia's native vegetation. The classification contains an emphasis on the structural and floristic composition of the dominant stratum (as with Major Vegetation Groups), but with additional types identified according to typical shrub or ground layers occurring with a dominant tree or shrub stratum. In a mapping sense, the subgroups reflect the dominant vegetation occurring in a map unit from a mix of several vegetation types. Less-dominant vegetation groups which are also present in the map unit are not shown. For example, the dominant vegetation in an area may be mapped as dominated by eucalypt open forest with a shrubby understorey, although it contains pockets of rainforest, shrubland and grassland vegetation as subdominants. | Contextual | http://www.environment.gov.au/fed/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B21a53368-c383-4ec1-bf51-878b369ce303%7D | dominant, tree, forest, woodland, canopy, understory |
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Phylloxera Infection Zone - Mooroopna, Victoria | Sensitive Data Layers | Phylloxera Infection Zone | Phylloxera Infection Zone - Mooroopna, Victoria | Contextual | http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/ | sds |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - seasonality | Climate | Temperature | Temperature Seasonality | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - isothermality | Climate | Temperature | Isothermality | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - driest quarter | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Driest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - seasonality | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation Seasonality | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - driest month | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Driest Month | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - coldest month min | Climate | Temperature | Min Temperature of Coldest Month | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - annual mean | Climate | Temperature | Annual Mean Temperature | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Precipitation - annual | Climate | Precipitation | Annual Precipitation | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - driest quarter mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - diurnal range mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Diurnal Range | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - warmest quarter mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - coldest quarter mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim 2.1: Temperature - wettest quarter mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim |
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WorldClim: Temperature - annual range | Climate | Temperature | Temperature Annual Range | Environmental | WorldClim | bio07 |
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WorldClim: Precipitation - coldest quarter | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Coldest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim | rain, bio19 |
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WorldClim: Temperature - diurnal range mean | Climate | Temperature | Mean Diurnal Range | Environmental | WorldClim | day, daily, max, ratio, bio02 |
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WorldClim: Precipitation - driest quarter | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Driest Quarter | Environmental | WorldClim | rain, bio17 |
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WorldClim: Precipitation - seasonality | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation Seasonality | Environmental | WorldClim | rain, bio15 |
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WorldClim: Precipitation - driest month | Climate | Precipitation | Precipitation of Driest Month | Environmental | WorldClim | rain, bio14 |
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WorldClim: Temperature - annual mean | Climate | Temperature | Annual Mean Temperature | Environmental | WorldClim | bio01 |
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WorldClim: Precipitation - annual | Climate | Precipitation | Annual Precipitation | Environmental | WorldClim | rain, bio12 |
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Occurrence Density | Biodiversity | Occurrence Density | Environmental | ALA-SPATIAL | average, sample |
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Forests of Australia 2018B | Vegetation | Forests of Australia (2018) is a continental spatial dataset of forest extent, by national forest categories and types, assembled for Australia's State of the Forests Report 2018. It was developed from multiple forest, vegetation and land cover data inputs, including contributions from Australian, state and territory government agencies and external sources. A forest is defined in this dataset as "An area, incorporating all living and non-living components, that is dominated by trees having usually a single stem and a mature or potentially mature stand height exceeding two metres and with existing or potential crown cover of overstorey strata about equal to or greater than 20 per cent. This includes Australia's diverse native forests and plantations, regardless of age. It is also sufficiently broad to encompass areas of trees that are sometimes described as woodlands". The dataset was compiled by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) for the National Forest Inventory (NFI), a collaborative partnership between the Australian and state and territory governments. The role of the NFI is to collate, integrate and communicate information on Australia's forests. State and territory government agencies collect forest data using independent methods and at varying scales or resolutions. The NFI applies a national classification to state and territory data to allow seamless integration of these datasets. Multiple independent sources of external data are used to fill data gaps and improve the quality of the final dataset. The NFI classifies forests into three national forest categories (Native forest, Commercial plantation, and Other forest) and then into various forest types. Commercial plantations presented in this dataset were sourced from the National Plantation Inventory (NPI) spatial dataset (2016), also produced by ABARES. Another dataset produced by ABARES, the Catchment scale Land Use and Management (CLUM) dataset (2016), was used to identify and mask out land uses that are inappropriate to map as forest. | Contextual | ABARES | forest,australia |
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CAPAD 2018 Marine | Area Management | The Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Database (CAPAD) 2018 provides both spatial and textual information about government, Indigenous and privately protected areas for Australia, in both the marine and terrestrial environments. This dataset is the marine component of the CAPAD only. Marine CAPAD provides information about off-shore protected areas in both state and Commonwealth waters. State and Territory conservation agencies supplied data current to 30 June 2018. This is the ninth version of the marine database, with previous versions released in 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. | Contextual | Australian Government, Department of the Environment and Energy | IUCN, reserve, park, conservation, wilderness |
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